The Moorish lawn allows you to create a beautiful colorful flowering flower on its personal plot, while retaining a natural look. Constant flowering on it is ensured by the correct selection of plants. About how to independently break such a flowerbed, and how to choose a composition, read in this article.
Blooming meadow on your site – where are the roots of this beauty?
The Moorish lawn will be planted in Lipetsk
The origin of the name “Moor” is rooted in the early Middle Ages. Then, in the VIII century, Arabs created entire states in Spain and North Africa, built beautiful palaces. It was during this period of mixing of Arab and European cultures that wonderful lawns arose, called the Moorish.
The popularity of such flower beds was great among the nobles in the Middle Ages, but in the later Middle Ages, short -haired lawns with separate flowering flower beds were made in fashion, and Mauritan chic was forgotten.
Today this species is again in fashion with fashion for naturalness. The lawn itself is a mixture of herbs and flowering plants, continuous cloth covering the soil. Thanks to the competent selection of plants, flowering is not interrupted from late spring to late autumn. In fact, it can be called not even a lawn, but a flowerbed. The difference is only in size.
Why is the Mauritan lawn so popular?
There are several reasons for that:
Firstly, it is quite unpretentious in care, does not require constant haircut;
Secondly, it can grow even on a scorching soil in biological composition;
Thirdly, this is an opportunity to create a unique landscape design, preserving naturalness, but at the same time controlling the flowering of plants.
Such a “flowering meadow” is inappropriate to sow in a large territory, in this case the lawn will look like a groomed lawn overgrown, overgrown, weeds overgrown. It looks much better in small areas.
DIY Mauritan lawn – stages of creation
Mauritan Garden
To create a real flowering meadow on your personal plot, you do not need to have special knowledge at all. Just follow the main stages that are outlined by experienced landscape designers.
Stage One – Choosing a place
For sowing, choose a sunny place, not shadow, then meadow flowers will show themselves in all the splendor. You can break the lawn among fruit trees, and you will get a real fairy -tale garden. Pay attention to the size of the site – it should not be too large. Experts recommend the following location options:
Long lawn along a fence with a width of no more than 1 meter. The lawn without a visible border, that is, not covered with stones and bricks, will look most impressive. This will create the feeling that all the riot of plants comes on the site. If most of the day a shadow falls from the fence, then such a place is not suitable.
Several small round flower beds with a diameter of not more than 2-2.5 meters arranged around fruit trees, and fenced with a low fence or picket fence. The option is good because the flowerbed will attract more useful insects for pollination during flowering.
If your site has a free, unlucky solar corner, and you cannot figure out what to arrange there, then use it.
When choosing a place, pay special attention to the level of PH of the soil, it should not be acidic. Acidity can be measured using a special device or ordinary litmus paper, which is purchased in household or garden stores. Taking a small amount of land from a depth of 10 cm, moisten it slightly and attach a piece of paper to it. By color, determine the acidity. Red and pink color are not suitable for us, they talk about an excessive acidic environment. Yellow, greenish and blue speak of a slightly acidic or neutral environment, this option will be good.
If the acidity of the soil is high, and you want to sow grasses here, then when digging up a dolomite flour, humus, crushed eggshell for greater looseness to the soil.
Stage second – soil preparation
Preparing the soil for the Mauritanian lawn should be in the fall. First, process the intended place with herbicide, which penetrates the root of the plant, decomposing it. If you do not want to use such funds, you will have to work well with a shovel, a chip and a rake to clean the site from unnecessary plants and weeds.
It should be noted that the use of herbicide does not harm, but saves a lot of effort and time, which is better to spend on the independent creation of a mix of seeds.
After processing with herbicide, after about 2 weeks, dig the earth to a depth of 15-30 cm. At the same time, carefully look for the roots of weeds and remove them. Along the way, you can fertilize the soil with manure, peat or humus. Last of all, the soil should be renewed and roll it. After another 2 weeks or in the spring you can start sowing. If you sow in the spring, then dig the soil again to saturate it with oxygen.
Some may think that thorough cleaning of the soil from weeds is not so important, they will still grow mostly meadow flowers, and not garden crops. However, if you neglect careful weeding, you can get ugly interspersed from weeds that will spoil the carefully thought -out picture. Then you will have to delete such weeds regularly, because before the fall you will not be able to dig them completely, the digging will damage the roots near the growing colors.
Stage third – sowing
It is better to carry out it in the fall, but in the absence of such an opportunity, you can transfer this procedure to early May. Sow seeds should be sown to a depth of 3-5 mm in moisturized soil, filling them with a rake. The amount of a mixture of seeds should not be less than 10 g or more than 15 g per 1 square meter.
There are two methods of sowing the Moorish lawn:
The first way is to mix herbs and flowers and sow together. In this case, you get a lawn, as similar as possible to the blooming summer meadow.
The second way is to sow first herbs and cereals, and then add flower seeds. This method allows you to create multi -colored islands of flowers on a green background. Do you want to make circles, you want – strips diagonally, perpendicular or horizontally. If you prefer this particular method, then it makes sense to sow the grass back in the fall, and leave flowers in the spring.
Immediately after sowing, carefully so as not to scatter seeds in different directions, pour the future lawn. It is better to do it manually with an ordinary watering can, since the stream from the hose will be too strong, the seeds are frozen, and as a result you will receive unevenly sprouted herbs and flowers.
For a more uniform shoot, cover the site with sowing non -woven material. After two weeks, you can expect the first green sprouts, and by June a flowerbed will bloom with lush color.
Fourth stage – care
As already mentioned, the Mauritan flowerbed does not require special care. Plants will replace each other, so you will not even have to cut them too often. After all, it does not occur to you to cut out just blossomed flowers? However, in the first year of life, Mavra should follow certain rules.
The first haircut is carried out after the first escape, when cereal crops sprouted, but the flowering has not sprouted yet. This is done in order to give flowering plants to gain strength, as well as so that the herbs do not drown out them.
The second haircut will be produced already during the period of plant flowering when they give seeds (usually September-October). You need to mow at least 8-12 cm from the soil. Sowing, leave the grass to lie for several days so that the seeds are settled on the basis. After that you can remove it.
If onion plants have onion plants, then you can mow grass only after the final death of their leaves.
Mauritan lawns can be annual and perennial. They are sown the same, the difference is only in the care after the ripening of all colors.
So, the annual lawn does not make sense to leave untouched for the next year even if all the flowers give seeds. The wind and rain can take part of the seeds, so the next year the soil coverage will be uneven. It is better to dig it thoroughly and sow again.
Perennial lawn is unlikely to bloom in the first year, since bulbous and other perennial plants need time to develop. In the first year, the haircut of such a flower bed should be carried out immediately after the germination of cereals, but before the germination of perennials. And the next – after the flowering ends and the culture is found. In subsequent years, perennials require weeding and regular watering.
The composition of the Lawn of the Mauritan type
The easiest option to sow the flower bed is right is to buy a ready -made mixture of seeds in the store. However, it is precisely in the compilation of the bouquet that the main charm of the whole work consists in. This is a creative process, with a competent approach to which you can create a real masterpiece. And then smile mysteriously when the guests of the phasends begin to be perplexed, how such a miracle could grow on their own, because the lawn will look like a real meadow created by nature, and not you.
So, the mixture for planting can consist of 5-10 types of colors. It is important not to choose very capricious plants, it is better to dwell on the most unpretentious and simple. Together they will create a unique floral pattern, which you certainly cannot be called simple.
The following important rule is to take flowers of different flowering periods, then they will delight you continuously.
Please note that all plants should be low, otherwise you run the risk of getting an unintelligible lawn with tall bunches against the background of the carpet of stunted plants.
Herbs and flowers ratio
It is recommended to take about 20-25% of the total seeds for the entire lawn. The remaining 75-80% will come grass and cereal.
It is based on the basis of the following cereals and herbs – an ordinary field field, a thin field, a single -year -old Raigrace and Krasnaya oatmeal. Mix them with each other, and before sowing, mix with sand in a ratio of 1: 3 for a more uniform distribution on the soil.
Experts recommend the following flowers for sowing:
Nemesia – a irregular -shaped flower, similar to lion’s pharynx, can be red, yellow, lilac, purple and blue.
Gypsophila graceful one -year -old – a plant up to 40 cm high, having inflorescences of small white or pink flowers in the shape of a ball.
Cornflower-erect flowers up to 50 cm high with blue and blue-colored.
Annual flax – a plant up to 70 cm high with medium -sized flowers – red, white, blue.
Lavender is narrow -leaved – a flower with a straight stem, along the entire length of which small blue and purple flowers are scattered.
Viskari-a plant forming bushes 30-50 cm high with flowers similar to small cloves. Can be blue, white or pink.
Iberis umbrella. This plant has a stem covered with a flat hat-coloring hat of small flowers, which can be white, blue or pink.
Eschscholzia (California poppy) – a plant with large, up to 7 cm in diameter, flower, similar to a butterfly. Colors-bright red, white, yellow, orange.
Refined margins-beautiful flowers with terry inflorescences of yellow, orange and purple-red shades.
Calendula-well-known “nails”, branchy bushes with fairly large colors of yellow, orange or light brown color.
The space is twice -fingered – an annual, having large inflorescences of flowers similar to chamomile of purple, purple and yellow shades.
Lugovoi chamomile.
All these plants do not require special conditions for growing, they are unpretentious and grow, one might say, by themselves.
For example, we offer three options for a mixture of seeds for the Lawn of the Mauritan type:
The basis is the field, Raigrace and the oatmeal red. Flowers – velvetians, California escholz oscilction, gypsophila, state aid, cornflower, alpine poppy, calendula, narrow -leaved lavender. In such a mixture, cornflowers will bloom first, and will remain until the end of summer. Then an eshcholzia will take care, which can bloom until October. Against the background of these colors, marigolds (June), gypsophila, alpine (July), calendula (July, August) and Lavender (August, September) will be sequentially replaced by each other.
The second lawn is based on the same herbs, and take meadow chamomile to the flower part in equal quantities, space, medium bell, cornflower, whisk, Nemesia and Len Red. Basilka, space and chamomile will bloom in June and will delight almost all summer. The next bells and whiskar (end of June-August), Len Red (end of July-August), Nemesia (July-November) will be bloomed. Thus, from the first summer days to late autumn you can admire flowering plants.
The floral part will consist of perennial and bulbous plants – erigeron, primrose, goronicum, daffodils, crocuses, tulips and lupins. Tulips and daffodils are better to choose medium -sized and late flowering, it is from them that flowering will begin in late May – early June, but only in the second year. Croesis will bloom early, approximately in May. Then the turn of the primrose and Doronikum (June), Erigeron (July and August), Lupinov (from July to September) will be suitable. Please note that flowering time for these plants is indicated not in the year of sowing. If you want to have a long -term lawn of the Moorish type, you will have to carefully care for it for the first year and be prepared for the fact that all beauty will appear only for the next.
Following these simple rules, having only garden tools, patience and creative approach, you can easily break a beautiful and original lawn on your phase.
For work you will need:
Garden shovel;
Manure or fertilizers;
Continuous herbicide (for example, Roundup)
A mixture of seeds