In order to get a timely and large -scale crop of delicious cherries, it is not enough just to plant an appropriate seedling on your site. You have a difficult work that will be the treatment of cherries from a number of diseases, which, unfortunately, are almost a prerequisite for growing a cherry tree. The fact is that many factors are affected by the proper development of cherries, among which changing and sometimes unpredictable weather conditions, features of agricultural technology, damage to branches and much more.
In this regard, it is almost impossible to protect your cherry from diseases. Therefore, it is worthwhile to patient and devote enough time to preventive measures, constant detailed examinations and, of course, competent treatment at the first manifestations of the disease. Caution should be careful when vaccinating, as you can infect your cherry from another tree.
This article will examine the main types of harmful insects and diseases that can prevent the health of your tree and obtain the desired crop. The most serious diseases are mushroom – moniliosis, cockedman. From such diseases, cherry loses leaves, and the fruits rot. The fight against such problems is possible only with fungicides, therefore it is recommended to purchase cherry varieties that are resistant to the listed diseases.
Methods for treating cherry diseases: Cock Communications
This disease is from Scandinavia, so most old varieties of cherry trees are absolutely defenseless in front. To this day, breeders make active attempts to create a variety of cherries resistant to cocciguity. But so far only felt cherries is not amenable to the destructive effect of this disease. As an option, you can consider a hybrid of a cherry tree with a bird cherry.
So, what is the effect of coke -list? First of all, the leaves on which red spots occur suffer. If you look at the back of the leaf, then when infected there you can see a white-pink plaque. As a result, the leaves fall, leaving the tree defenseless to winter frosts, which leads to severe weakening. Note that cocketing also affects the fruits, deforming them, which makes them unsuitable for use.
In the fight against coke committee, soil digging the soil in spring and autumn is of great importance. This is due to the fact that the pathogen of this disease hides from winter in fallen foliage, so all vegetation around the tree should be eliminated without fail.
Monilosis: Ways to fight the disease
The cherry tree affected by this disease has the form of burned, in connection with the corresponding type of foliage. Therefore, very often you can find this name of this fungus – “monilial burn”. Not only foliage suffers from this disease, but also the bark on which small gray growths occur. Such growths can also cover fruits, causing their decay.
In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary in regular mode to eliminate the affected parts of the plant, burning them. Infected branches should be cut, while capturing about ten centimeters of healthy tissue. All these measures are important due to the fact that the monylosis fungus is hidden for the winter precisely in the affected places of the cherry tree. Spraying must be carried out until the kidney bloom. For processing, you can also use options such as oleoceprite, copper sulfate, etc. If you decide to spray after a flowering period, it is recommended to use flutlan, qineb, dice, as well as one percent Bordeaux liquid.
Disease: holey spotting
Occurs in the warm periods of the year with highly increased humidity indicators. Manifests itself in the form of brown spots with dark edges. Nice quickly in the place of these spots form holes. Note that such spots affect the fruits, deforming them and drying. In order to fight this fungus, you should mandatory cut off the affected branches, since the mycelium wait for the winter period precisely on them. It is also worth cleaning the cracks from which the gum flows. Accordingly, it is recommended to carefully and timely eliminate all fallen foliage and fruits.
Actions for anthracnosis
This disease is most strongly reflected on the fruits on which weakly, then pinkish tapes and a raid of a pinkish shade begin to occur first. If the weather is predominantly dry, then cherry fruits are murmured with sunlight. Under wet conditions, this disease can destroy almost 80% of the total crop. In order to overcome anthracnosis, you should spray the tree until the flowers occur, after their wilting and two weeks after that. It is worth spraying with the help of the drug Polim.
What to do with gum
Cherry gumming can be caused by a number of factors: frosty periods, burns of sunlight, moniliosis, excessive watering and many others. This happens this way: a gum stands out of the barrel and branches – transparent hardening drops, which can lead to large -scale weakening and death of a tree.
Commented can be avoided. To do this, it is necessary to carefully care for the cherries, engage in preventive measures, use white -widening with lime in the fight against burns and frosts. It is also worth monitoring the emerging wounds and when they appear to be cleaned and putty. As with the diseases described above, all fallen branches and leaves should be eliminated by burning.
Methods of combating the main cherry pests
No less danger, along with diseases, are insects. In this regard, regular examinations of a tree for uninvited guests will not be superfluous. As they say, the enemy needs to know by person, therefore the most common types of insects, the features of their harmful effects on plants and liquidation methods will be presented below:
Cherry aphids are engaged in the sucking of wood juice, which without fail leads to drying green mass and deformation processes of shoots. The destruction of the weeds that surround the tree and the root overgrown will help prevent this. With a large-scale amount of aphids, you can use pesticides for spraying-inta-vir, spark.
Cherry weevil affects cherry buds, flowers, ovaries, eating them. This insect can destroy the expected crop by one hundred percent. Therefore, you need to fight it actively. One of the methods is the loosening of the soil in the fall and the elimination of beetles in the spring. If there are a lot of insects, you can use the spraying of inta, kinmisk or carbofos.
The cause of the leaves of leaves may be a mucous saw, which in the summer can put its larvae into the pulp of leaves. Spraying will help to get rid of it, but solely after a thorough collection of the entire crop.
But the caterpillars of the shoot of moths in the spring are engaged in the kidneys, which causes drying. These insects also eat fresh leaves, buds, ovary. Liquidation measures consist in loosening the soil around the cherry tree trunk in early summer. And when the kidneys begin to swell, it is recommended to spray drugs such as Inta-Vir, Aktara, Decis.