Each experienced gardener has repeatedly had to deal with pests that are attempted on apple trees. They can apply insignificant harm in the form of an unpresentable appearance of apples, and can completely eliminate the expected apple crop. Therefore, when such a problem arises, it is worth taking maximum measures to save the crop, which should be timely and effective. To do this, you need to know the enemy by person, in this regard, this article will consider the main types of pests and ways to eliminate them.
As a rule, with apple, harmful insects are fighting with the help of Bordeaux liquid, copper chloroxy, entobacterin, phthalan, nitrafen, iron sulfate and many other chemicals. Practice shows that the main causes of pests are determined by insufficient wood care. In this regard, you should not regret your time for events such as:
timely treatment of emerging wounds;
purification of the surface of the bark;
the cultivation of a deep type of rows;
Cutting branches and t. D.
When pests are located on the tree, then one method is not always enough, so you should use a whole set of actions that can lead to the achievement of the desired result. In order to choose the correct method, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly diagnose the enemy. In this regard, it is worth considering in detail the most common types.
Apple flower
This pest is a small beetle of small size with a brown brown color and a long trunk. As a rule, his sphere of activity is kidneys and buds. He gnaws all the contents from the kidneys, and lays eggs in buds. In order to understand who you are dealing with, it is worth paying attention to the kidneys and buds, respectively: the first drops of juice will be visible, and the buds will simply not bloom at the right time.
This bug spends winter time in the cracks of the bark or under the leaves. With the first warmings, they come out of hibernation and take to work, distributed over the entire surface of the tree. The ideal time to combat these harmful insects is the swelling of the kidneys. Dolgonosikov beetles just need to shake off the apple tree on a special canvas laid under it. After that, production can be eliminated in a bucket of water. It’s better to shake off repeatedly to achieve the perfect result until it gets warmer on the street to ten degrees. The apple tree can also be treated with chlorophosa when the kidneys begin to bloom. This will help to fix the effect.
Apple peak
The activity of this pest is quite obvious from its name. It is the apple bargain that could be the cause of the untimely falling and drunk fruits. These pests belong to the most common. The caterpillars of this insect winter in the cracks under the bark, in the upper soil layer. In early June, they turn into small butterflies with a dark gray color. Mercrates are activated when apple trees bloom. They lay their eggs in the upper part of the leaf. Ten days after this procedure, a new generation is taken for work – pink caterpillars. It is they who destroy the fetus behind the fruit if you do not take any measures.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to act until the moment when the caterpillar directly penetrates into the apple, since after that it is completely impossible to get it without destroying it. The ideal time for destruction is early spring. During this period (before swelling of the kidneys), it is necessary to clean the dead bark and mandatory to eliminate it by burning. It is also recommended to treat arsenic-acidic calcium paired with water and lime. This procedure is done after a flowering period. After that, the apples that left the tree on their own must be deeply burying. And those that have a normal look, without fail, scald with boiling water.
Apple saw
Unlike the moth, this pest specializes exclusively in young ovaries – it is from them that it completely eats the core. Note that in their appearance, these insects are very similar to small bees. They appear, as a rule, about five days before the start of flowering, and until that moment, the sawdrops winter in the ground.
Pay attention to the fact that one female of this type of pests lays about eighty eggs. At the same time, it puts each in a separate bud, in flowers or perianth. Larvae, in turn, eat all fruit seeds, which leads to the fact that whole ovaries fall. One such larva can ruin four apples. Fighting adults is worth it in the period before flowering. Dolls and larvae are eliminated by ordinary loosening.
Apple -commodity shield
These small ones in the form of pests are able to cause incorrigible harm to the whole tree, which can lead to its absolute death. The shield sucks juice from the apple tree and makes it unprotected in a situation of black cancer. Also, the tree becomes vulnerable to the famous brown beetles.
When apple trees bloom, small larvae and yellowish shade appear from the eggs. They spread mainly fresh tree branches. Over a certain time, they are covered with a waxy type shield, which forms a continuous shield on young branches of apple trees. Fighting this pest is necessary at the stage of the appearance of the delayed larvae. This is done using the method of spraying with two percent carbophos.
As an alternative option, you can use metaphos. And in order to eliminate eggs, it is necessary to treat the apple trees with a two percent nitrofen or a single -percent drug Den. The ideal time for this procedure is the period before the buds starts. Timely treatment and prevention will help preserve the tree in a healthy state and get the long -awaited crop of delicious and ripe apples.