Creating a font for a bath with your own hands is quite difficult. But at least it is much easier than to build a bathhouse from aerated concrete, brick or wood. Font is an opportunity to temper at least all year round, despite the fact that you can adjust the temperature to your liking, add mineral salts and various aromatic oils to the water.
How to make a font for a bath – types of designs
Do -it -yourself font
The “rejuvenating bowl” can be both acquired or made independently. Let’s look at the classification of fonts that will help you decide on the choice.
Tanks can be divided
By the method of installation on:
Open (font is installed anywhere in the bath or even on the street, and is decorated on the outside with finishing materials).
In-depth (in fact it is a mini-basin).
Pouring (ears, which is overturned with a rope).
According to the materials of manufacture:
The easiest option is a obsolete font, because the costs in this case will be minimal. Everything is necessary that we bring water and install a float mechanism in the bowl. Suspended ears will fit for a very small bathhouse.
But if the place allows, do not deny yourself pleasure and equip the bath with a full font! Of course, the more the bowl will be, the more people will be able to enjoy healing procedures. However, practice shows that a font for a bath, the dimensions of which allow you to accommodate from 2 to 4 people, is the most optimal.
The project of a bath of font involves the availability of water supply and drain.
How to make a font with your own hands – we strive to be closer to nature
Bath with font
Undoubtedly, the best in terms of health, the material for the bowl is a tree. Most often use the following breeds:
Larch. This is a unique tree that is durable, unusually firm and not subject to decay. Larch helps to cleanse pores, increase tone.
Oak. In addition to excellent operational characteristics, it has anti -inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
Cedar, spruce, pine. The essential oils contained in coniferous effects on the nervous system and have an anti -aging effect on the whole organism as a whole.
However, the natural tree is very moody. Font should be installed on a perfectly flat surface to avoid skewing the bottom (and therefore leaks). Also, the tub must necessarily be protected from drying out and the appearance of mold. With the first misfortune, you can fight regular moisture and the content of the bowl under the lid, and with the second – using the installation of the ventilation system.
The problems of the relative fragility of natural wood forced to look for a way out, and it was found. You can purchase a font from the so -called “thermal”. The essence of processing is as follows: the wood is acted with water steam at a temperature of 220 ° C. At the same time, changes occur in the structure of the fibers at the molecular level as a result of which the material acquires unique water -repellent and fungicidal (antifungal) properties.
The TorMerevo is more expensive than usual, however, the service life of the processed material is much more.
So, we approach the main question: how to make a font with our own hands? It is clear that if you do not have certain skills and do not have the necessary in your arsenal (by the way, quite specific tools), then you should not hope that everything will work out. But in the collected form, you can buy a tub in any online store, the benefit of choosing volumes and configurations is now truly huge. But whether it will pass in dimensions to the bathhouse premises? If not, then you can assemble the design yourself.
You will need the following tools:
Unit/lacture wrench.
Rubber hammer.
Each manufacturer offers products completely processed and ready for assembly. And, following the instructions, even a person who knows about bondar art only firsthand in firsthand.
It remains to make out a few more points:
The possibility of leaks. If the font flows at the very beginning of use, this does not yet talk about its low quality. The tree needs to gain a certain percentage of moisture and expand, after which the leak stops and does not appear until the operating rules are respected.
Heat bowls. If the font is not connected to hot water and you want to be able to adjust the temperature at any time, it is better to purchase a tub with a water heater. And your comfort will depend on its location. The best option is when the heater is located outside, because in this case the temperature due to the connecting pipes located in a special way is distributed evenly.
In order to maintain the integrity of the structure, after assembly, the bowl is compressed by special hoops. If the font is not exploited for a long time, the wood is drying out and the hoops have to be pulled. With the font from the Tor Moderev you will be spent on such worries. Also, from the coniferous breeds, resin will inevitably stand out over time. Output – purchase tubs with a lacquered surface, or from the aforementioned processed wood.
In -depth font made of concrete – for a long time, not cheap, but for life!
Undoubtedly, a wooden shade has enormous virtues. However, do not underestimate the positive points of concrete:
You can make a bowl of any configuration, depth and volume.
In the font of the basin type, you can realize backlight, hydromassage and even a mini-waterfall. In the case of wooden, such “bellsways” can be economically unjustified.
Installation of a filtering system and water regulators will allow you to save.
Depending on the size of the bowl, you can install a staircase for the font, or build a smooth descent on the steps.
The service life of such a design with proper care is practically not limited.
The construction of a concrete font for temporary, and material costs can not be compared with the assembly of wooden. Not commensurate and material costs.
Work begins with determining the configuration, digging the pit and creating formwork for the pool.
After all communications are brought up, the formwork is poured with concrete, and only then – a reinforced bottom.
If desired, you can introduce special additives into the solution, which will improve the waterproofing and mechanical strength of the bowl.
In order to have no problems in the future, the walls need to be poured at a time. Thus you get a strong monolith.
There are technologies with which you can simultaneously pour both floor and walls, but they require the use of advanced equipment and are justified in the construction of large pools.
If for some reason there is no way to build monolithic surfaces, you can resort to the following scheme:
Concrete the bottom.
We begin to build sides.
At the joints of a hardened solution, lay a self -expanding cord, after which you can continue the filling.
The cord will ensure the necessary tightness, since when filling the font by water, it increases in size and closes all possible gaps. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the joints: before laying the cord from the surface, you need to wash off dust and sand. After the concrete is hardened, the formwork is removed and with the help of waterproof elastic plasters, flaws are sealed.
The next stage is waterproofing and bringing the surface to perfect geometric sizes. Even in a small pool, the formation of cracks is not excluded, therefore, applying an elastic waterproof coating – task No. 1. Waterproofing can be done by impregnation of the surface with special compounds, which are applied to the floor and walls previously primed with solutions of mineral acids.
Impregnations can be in the form of polymers, water -repellent compositions, emulsions of polymer resins and t. D. However, when choosing the material, it is better to proceed from what type of decoration it is planned to decorate the font. For example, ceramics and mosaic requires thorough preparation, but the film PVC cover (liner) will save a little. In the end, the surface can simply be painted with rubber paint.
After waterproofing work, it is advisable to test the font. To do this, it should be filled with water and observe the state of the bowl for two to three days. If everything is in order, the pool is drained and proceeds to the decoration.
Advantages and disadvantages of font – summarize
The pluses of wooden fonts:
Environmental purity.
Aesthetic appearance.
Beneficial effects on the body.
The speed of installation.
Simplicity of installation.
Possibility of changing the location.
It is not recommended to keep water in the bowl for more than 24 hours.
Relatively low maintainability.
Fonts require special care.
It is not recommended to allow direct sunlight on wood.
Pros of concrete fonts:
The ability to create a bowl anywhere in any configuration.
Long service life.
The possibility of repair.
The possibility of reliable installation of filters, heating and lighting.
Wide selection of finishing materials.
Solid temporary, labor and financial costs.
The impossibility of dismantling for transfer to a new place.
The pluses of plastic fonts
Has a smooth but not slippery surface
It has an antibacterial coating
Unpretentious in leaving
Low cost
High operational period
Do not change their aesthetic characteristics over the time
Difficulties in transportation
Lack of the therapeutic effect compared to the font made of natural wood
What type of font to choose depends not only on finance, but also on the characteristics of the premises and the proposed load on it. For example, in a country house (with unstable living) it is better to install plastic bowls that you can not use as much as you like without any harm to the material. If you have planned regular “bath days”, then a wooden tub and a mini-basin are suitable.
But in any case, the arrangement of font for the bath with your own hands is a wonderful opportunity to invest a piece of your soul and labor, so that you can have a great rest and restore strength in the steam room.