Biscotti Are Crispy Italian Cookies. It is usually Served with Coffee Or with Ice Cream.
SO, HeRE is the Recipe for the Classic Almond Biscotti:
250 Grams of almonds
500 Grams of Flour
200 Grams of Sugar
12 Teaspoon of Salt
12 Teaspoons of Baking Soda
The first Thing You have to do is to drive the almonds in the Oven at 110 C For ABOUT 30 MINUTES.
Grind ABOUT 50 GRAMS of Almonds in A Coffee Grinder to a Powder. IF YOU Do not have a grinder, do not work, you can buy reader almond Powder in the Store. The almond Powder Into A Bowl and Add The Flour, Sugar, Salt, and Baking Soda. THEN, MAKE A Well in the Center and Beat The Eggs and Knead the Dungh, It Shoup Be Very Thick. The Almond Powder Gives The Dawh a Particularly Porous, Crumbly Texture.
Leftover Almonds, Cut Each Nut In Half, and Knead Them Into the Prepared Batter. Roll Four Sausages from the Dawg and Place them on a Greased Bucking Tray. Bake in the Oven For ABOUT 25 MINUTES AT 170 C.
Take The Biscotti Billets (Sausages) Baked Out of the Oven and Let them Cool, Now Slice them Oblique with A Sharma Knife, in 1-1-1-1-1.5 Cm Thick Slices. This is biscotti! But in Order for them to get a crispy Shape, They Need to be dried. We Put them On a Bucking Trai AGain and Dry them in the Oven Until They Are Golden At 120 C.
All! Let the Biscotti Cool, and They Are Ready to Serve. They Can Be Placed in Anrtight Container and Kept at Room Tempertuer.