Dill Has Long Been Apprieded as a Great Spice. And no wonder, because its stalk and fruits contain a lot of essential oils, the plant is rich in minerals, vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, the fruits accumulate the silver necessary for the body, as well as selenium. Those Who are Fond of Folk Medicine Need to Know The Useful Properties of Peppermint – On and How It Interacts with Fennel.
The Upper Parts of the Stalks and Fruits of this Plant are used as food and medicines. By the Way, The LEVEL of UseFul Substances in Fruits Is Three Times Higher than in Grass. In Folk Medicine, It Has Long Been Ussistant in the Normalization of Metabolism. The Use of Dill When Washing Or Rubbing The Allows Faster Healing of Wounds, Remove Various Rashes, Make the Skin Smooth and Healthy. It is best used in Combination, by External and Internet Use and INGEASTION. Young Dill Helps in the Fight Against the Disease of Almost All Teenagers – Acne. Here Crushed Young Dill, Together with Egg White, Shoup Be Appline to the Face in the Form of a Mask.
In Addition, We Shoup Note the Fact that Plant is an Excellent in Cases of Poor Digestion, Insomnia and Diarrherhea. This Happens Because The Composition of the Micronutering, Includes a Well-Known Vitamin B. MANY PEOPLE WHO Are Fond of Folk Medicine, Recomment Doing Decoction of Dill, With Cancer, But We DRAW TATTENTION THAT DOINS SUCH AFTER CONTER. The Essential Oils that Dill Contains are Good for Oral Diseases.
Dill is Also Used in Cases of Thermal Sunburns – It Disinfects Wounds, Helps Them Heal and Heal Quickly. It is used in the form of decoctions to be applied to the skin.
This Plant, Many Scientists Call Unique, Because It Contains Such a Huge Number of Active Vitamins and Trace Elements, Which Are Not Contained Planter. SO, Try to Consume these Greens as Actively and AS Offten as Possible.