Pregnancy and childbirth are a strong load for the body of any woman. Therefore, after the birth of a long-awaited child, mom will recover for some time for some time. The restoration of the woman’s body primarily signal the so -called suckers – discharge from the uterus.
They contain dead epithelium, various mucus from the neck, dead blood cells, and all this must come out of the body so that all its life functions and systems can recover and work normally.
The discharge very often bothers young mothers, because there is no unequivocal answer to the question of how long they will go. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, how the births themselves flowed, there were many gaps and cuts, or there were small stretching. The thing is that every gap or cut is a wound that takes time to finally live. In addition, very often this kind of injuries can provoke inflammation in the cavity of the uterus or vagina.
All these factors directly affect the duration of the discharge.
It should be noted that the nature of the discharge after childbirth changes over time. For example, bloody discharge, in which blood clots are clearly visible, are about four days – usually all this time the woman in labor is under the supervision of doctors in the postpartum department. A week after the birth, the discharge becomes less intense and grayish-brown, and after a week they acquire yellow-transparent color, and may practically stop.
If after this period of discharge does not stop “smearing”, then you should look for additional reasons why the situation is not normalized. In order for the secretions to stop going as soon as possible, the process of reduction of the uterus should be accelerated, which can be done if a woman moves as much as possible, breastfeeding the baby at his request and, for example, perform an external massage.
If the discharge has acquired a specific unpleasant odor, have become purulent or with excessive clots, then you should immediately contact the hospital, the gynecologist will give you a consultation and prescribe proper treatment.