If you go to the store to choose perfumes, then you will be offered a tester, and you are already buying the original. What is the fundamental difference and whether it is?
Many people believe that testers are a distant likeness of the original perfumes, since their main purpose is only in the presentation of the goods, because the testers do not have a train and stamina that the spirits must have.
By the way, note that if you buy a perfume in an online store, then the price of your purchase will be significantly lower for the reason that you will not be offered a tester. Perfumeria on Parfumplus is a proof of what you can read on the pages of the site.
If you tell briefly, then the tester is a kind of advertising of spirits. It is not sealed as tightly as perfumes, it does not have a cap, only a lid and a dispenser.
Indeed, the tester is intended only for presentation, because it is often used in advertising promotions or when buying. You need to understand, given this feature that the so -called probe will differ in shape, design and volume from the original product.
To distinguish a tester from the original, just look at the packaging – it is usually discreet and necessarily with the inscription “Tester” in English. The real perfume will have a stylish branded packaging, well distinguished in design.
Manufacturers understand that the tester is not intended for sale and always try to reduce it in a variety of ways. In particular, they exclude from the composition of the spirits those components that are needed to keep the aroma, that is, the testers will not be persistent in smell. At the same time, the manufacturer tries to make sure that this does not affect the aroma itself. Is it true? Partly, because not everyone succeeds in something similar.
On tesers you can often see dispensers. On the original spirits of dispensers, as a rule, does not happen, since each drop is appreciated in perfume.
So, yes, the tester is really just a copy of the original perfume, therefore, when testing, always make a discount at this moment – the tester may differ from real spirits.